Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Using Google Docs

    • Manifesting Your Goals into Reality

    • Goal Setting Template

  2. 2
    • Getting Your Mind on Board with Your Vision

    • Liquid sunlight body scan meditation

  3. 3
    • Releasing Unconscious Blocks in the Energy Field

    • Movie Theater Meditation & Energy Clearing

  4. 4
    • Change Your Energy, Change Your Life

    • Chakra Clearing Meditation

  5. 5
    • Emotions and the Map of Consciousness

    • Emotions in the Body Meditation

  6. 6
    • Aligning with Your Most Authentic Self

    • Authentic Self Meditation

  7. 7
    • Embodying Your Next Level of Success

    • Highest Self Meditation

  8. 8
    • Tapping Into Divine Wisdom

    • One Command Meditation

  9. 9
    • Essential Oils and Crystals for Healing

  10. 10
    • Making Intuitive Decisions in Life & Business with Hayley Freija Wilson

  11. 11
    • Releasing Money Blocks Workshop & Energy Clearing Training

    • Google Docs Workshop Supplement

    • MEDITATION- Releasing Money Blocks Meditation & Energy Clearing